How to Use Pinterest to Curate Content


turtle photo

There are lots of different and fun ways to use Pinterest, and just one of them is for content curation. If you’re curious, or even serious about content curation, then using Pinterest is a perfect way to go.

Plan Your Content Curation Strategy

Ask yourself a few questions about your content curation strategy, such as the following:

  • Who is your audience?
  • What would they like to know about or see from you/your brand?
  • What kinds of headlines could you use?

You don’t have to have a complex strategy, at least not to begin with. That can come later. If you want to know more about why you should curate content, you might want to read: Content Curation: 5 Killer Reasons It’s Your New BFF.

Create Boards

You can create boards of, say, ten different subjects, based on the questions you ask yourself. Don’t forget about secret boards! You can always create more boards later. Use simple names for your boards, such as Cats, Tiny Houses, or Autumn. Post Planner suggests “being glaring obvious about what your board contains.”  They have more suggestions on how to name boards in their article 37 Pinterest Board Names that Will Get You More Pins, Clicks, and Followers.

Use Secret Boards

One of my favorite tricks is to use secret boards. When you’re using Pinterest on your phone, and come across a compelling pin, pin it to a secret board so you can check it out later. I like to pin to a secret board on my phone and then thoroughly research the pin later on my laptop. Making a secret board isn’t a secret, in fact, you can get it straight from the horse’s mouth (Pinterest): All about boards.

Optimize Your Descriptions

After you examine that pin and make sure the content behind it is good (by clicking all the way to whatever website it goes to, for example), you can optimize your description. To optimize a pin, talk about what your pin is, where it goes (aka website), and by all means, don’t spam people. So if you use hashtags, make sure those hashtags accurately describe your pin so that your target audience can find those pins.

Good Luck and Have Fun!

Do you use Pinterest for content curation? Why or why not? Leave me a comment! And thank you!




  1. Hi,
    Good to know I need to keep my board names simple. I have to add that to my Pinterest to-do list.
    I’ve been trying to be TOO creative.
    Thanks for more good ideas, Carol.

    • Hi Patricia,
      Pinterest is a search engine, so people need to think about it like they think about Google. Although it’s fun to have creative board names (and sometimes people don’t care about being found), the most easily found ones are simple.

      Thank you for all the comments, Patricia. I do appreciate you!


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