#DigiBlogChat Questions February 4, 2020

idea photo

February 4, 2020 at #DigiBlogChat — Idea Party!

A brainstorming chat for our chat of February, as suggested by Jorgenson Lockers!

We’ll brainstorm ideas for our regulars during this fast-paced, friendly hour. Join us to brainstorm, and don’t forget to invite a friend!

Tuesday, February 4th at 1:00 p.m. pst.

Our (possible) #DigiBlogChat questions:

  1. Is there a place in your business where you’d like some fresh ideas?
  2. Could you tell us a little about your business?
  3. Is your brand/business limited by your location?

#DigiBlogChat Questions January 28, 2020

Brand Management on #DigiBlogChat

January 28, 2020 at #DigiBlogChat — Brand Management

A chat about brand management for the last chat in January!

Through a series of ten questions, we’ll be exploring brand management during this fast-paced, friendly hour. Join us to answer questions and learn about how others handle their brand management. about your friends’ favorites, and don’t forget to invite a friend!

Tuesday, January 28th at 1:00 p.m. pst.

Our #DigiBlogChat questions:

  1. How important is consistency to your brand management?
  2. How do you think brand management helps you be more productive?
  3. What part does your physical location play in your brand management?
  4. Does your product or service depend upon seasonality? How?
  5. Why is it important for your business to be scalable?
  6. What are your brand’s core values?
  7. How does Return on Investment influence your brand management?
  8. How does your brand align its behavior across social media platforms?
  9. How does brand management ensure the long-term success of your brand?
  10. Does your logo and the colors you use reflect your brand? How so?Join this Twitter conversation by going on Twitter and don’t forget to add #digiblogchat to your tweet!

#DigiBlogChat December 17, 2019

#DigiBlogChat December 17, 2019

Q1. What traditions did your Grandparents pass down to your family? 

Q2. Have you still got decorations that you really treasure from childhood?

Q3. Will Christmas involve carol singing or Karaoke or both?

Q4. Carols and choirs at Church or something different?

Q5. Homemade dinner with all the trimmings or dining out as a treat?

Q6. Home Alone, Jingle All the Way or Deck the Halls, which film is your fave for Christmas?

Q7. Dinner: how do you juggle that family invite from the in-laws?

Q8. Letter or email to Santa?

Q9. Anything Santa might need to keep specially for you this year?

Q10. Which tipple will be your drink of choice this year?


Digiblogchat Questions December 10

festive photo

December 10 at #DigiBlogChat — Holiday Food and Drink

A chat about your favorite foods and beverages for the holidays. Bring your pictures and recipes!

Through a series of ten questions, we’ll be exploring your favorites during this fast-paced, friendly hour. Join us to learn about your friends’ favorites, share your own recipes and don’t forget to invite a friend!

Tuesday, December 10th at 1:00 p.m. pst.

Our #DigiBlogChat questions:

  1. What are your ideas for fabulous holiday starters or appetizers?
  2. Do you have a favorite holiday coffee drink? Do tell!
  3. What is your simplest go-to recipe during this busy time of year?
  4. Do you have a grocery store “cheat” recipe that you can share?
  5. What goes into your favorite cookie or sweet?
  6. Have any favorite vegetarian recipes?
  7. Tell us about your best drinks, bubbly or otherwise!
  8. Any secret family favorites that you’d like to share?
  9. What is a meaty dish that you and your friends adore?
  10. Could you share a favorite cheese dish or recipe?

Join this Twitter conversation on December 10th at 1:00 p.m. pst by going on Twitter and don’t forget to add #digiblogchat to your tweet! 

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