This Is What Happens When You Hire a Professional Blogger

This Is What Happens When You Hire a Professional BloggerThis Is What Happens When You Hire a Professional Blogger

This Is What Happens When You Hire a Professional Blogger

You might think that something magical happens when you hire a professional blogger. That’s not entirely true, although you’ll probably have better results, and have fewer complaints. Here are some things to look for when you’re hiring a professional blogger.

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They Have Better Spelling

Have you ever seen a blog post filled with spelling errors and been so distracted that you couldn’t continue to read? That happens sometimes with bloggers who are less than professional. If you’re going to hire someone, you may want to ask them what experience they have, and whether they have a degree in a related field, such as English. It’s easy to run a blog post through grammar or spell checkers (thank you, Grammarly!) these days with a little help from our friends cut and paste, but not everyone does. An error or two shouldn’t be a showstopper, but if your writing is filled with mistakes? That’s darn distracting! And it makes your brand look bad, too.

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They Stay on Track

A professional blogger will stay on the subject matter, and not be distracted by other ideas. Their writing should stay on track and lead the reader through the post easily. If you’re someone who’s easily distracted, you might like Entrepreneur’s 11 Ways to Avoid Distractions and Stay Focused.

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They Research Appropriately

If you’re looking for someone to research your subject matter, a professional blogger can do that for you. They may come up with a few angles you hadn’t thought of, too. Linking to authoratative articles can be useful to your readers.

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They’ll Find Good Headlines

If you haven’t heard, a good headline is critical to a good blog post. Many people won’t even read the article, but just the headline. So you need to have a good headline if you stand a chance at all to have people read your article. By the way, if you haven’t read this about headlines, you might like it: What Happens When You Write 25 Headlines Before Choosing One?

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They Add Interesting Images

If you want images that look professional to go along with your professional writing, you’re going to want to hire someone who’s experienced and loves what they do. Or they may have a professional graphic designer on board. Sometimes a great image is even more important than great writing, since people love images, and those images can make your blog posts really shine.

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They Have Plenty of Examples

A professional blogger should have plenty of samples for you to look at, so you can decide whether to hire him or her. And within the writing itself, people love examples. They really love real-world examples because they can see themselves in them.

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They Can Probably Write Faster Than You

If you’re hiring someone who writes for a living, they may be able to write faster than you. I say “might” because you may be someone who can write quickly. But then again, is writing what you want to be doing with our time? If not, how about hiring a professional?


  1. Outsourcing blogging is a great way to build content on your website faster, too. Companies who publish 3-4 times a week have significantly higher leads (HubSpot).

  2. I used to be horrible at finding images. I didn’t understand the copyright image policy & most of the time I felt like the images didn’t fit. Thank goodness for sites like Pixabay; it’s been a lifesaver!

    • Hi Mitch,
      Yes, finding images can be tricky. Nobody wants to violate copyrights. Thankfully, some kind souls allow their images to be used for bloggers.
      Thanks for stopping by!

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