What Happens When a Twitter Zero Becomes a Twitter Hero?
It’s amazing to me that so many people still find Twitter so mysterious. Twitter might have a slightly longer learning curve than other social media platforms, but it’s still the friendliest social media platform, in my opinion. Are you ready to go from Twitter Zero to Twitter Hero? Here are some ideas for you.
Stop Sending DMs
Unless you’re just saying hello (and not in an automated way), just stop it. Don’t tell us how we’re “free to follow you on LinkedIn.” Don’t tell us about the thingamabob you’re selling. And please, please, please don’t send a video of your product. Because if you do, you’re surely a zero. Instead, read some of our tweets. See what we’re talking about and what interests us. Then jump into the conversation. You know: engage with us. This will help you become more of a Twitter Hero. By the way, if you’re completely lost on the topic of social media engagement, you might the book I co-wrote with Eric Lofholm: 21 Ways to Total Social Media Engagement: That Will Make You Look Like a Pro.
Don’t Blast Us with Your Content
We literally just met you. And if we have thousands of followers, we really won’t see your stuff above all the noise. If you want to get our attention, you could retweet something of ours, and add a comment, too! Now that would take you from zero to hero quickly. Blasting someone with and telling us to buy something is beyond rude. It doesn’t work, and makes people angry. And it’s a good way to get unfollowed. You don’t want to come off as spammy–that’s one of the reasons you’re not gaining followers, according to 10 Reasons Why You’re Not Gaining Social Media Followers and how to Fix it.
We Don’t Care That You’re Three Followers Short of 2,000
We really don’t. You’re the only one that does. Keep that kind of stuff on the down low. Have your fancy cupcake and champagne offline, at home, and share it with someone who cares. That is, unless you’re giving away a brand new car (the new Tesla, for instance) when you reach your 2,000th follower. In that case, we really do care! Don’t know how to engage? Read this: How to Engage Social Media: Twitter .
Change up the Stuff You Tweet
Don’t tweet the same tweet 10,000 times in a row. Nobody likes that. Instead, give us some variety. And make sure your images are good quality, too. There are tons of places to find free images if you’re not artistic. Personally, I really like Pixabay. Just make sure the images you choose are ok for commercial use.
Ask Questions of the Seasoned Professionals
If you’re really, really new on Twitter. just ask others what to do. We’re really a pretty friendly crowd. Find the people who are engaging and do some of what they do. You’ll see how awesome Twitter is.
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